Toy Boxes Provide a Shocking Space Saving Secret

Crafty homeowners will find the most creative ways to make the smallest space look and feel significantly larger than it actually is. Most importantly, they will do this with such a stylish flair that all space saving tricks are invisible to an untrained eye... providing decorative value to any room.

Toy Storage Drawers

Such skills may be accomplished by reading articles online about functional decorating, but the best 'decorating with a purpose' tips and tricks are usually passed down from a mother to her daughter, and are kept as a family secret. Prepare yourself, for one of the most valuable tips has been leaked... a shocking space saver that can literally transform any room.

Toy Storage Drawers

Function One: Toy Boxes Provide Extra Storage

While it may seem fairly obvious, it's surprising to know that toy boxes are so often overlooked for homes without children. From magazines to arts and crafts supplies, a quality toy box provides an organized storage area to help keep rooms tidy and free of clutter.

Living rooms can take on a whole new shape when extra pillows and blankets are stored in a toy box to instantly transform small spaces into a guest bedroom for visiting guests. At the same time, a toy box in the bedroom can even serve as extra storage for clothes, when there just isn't enough closet or drawer space. (Not to mention shoes!)

Function Two: Toy Chests Are Shockingly Beautiful Decorative Items

It's important to understand that a real toy chest is attractive in any room... and that would be a hand crafted wooden box that can easily blend in with any style of home decor. In other words, the clumpy plastic toy boxes are not necessarily appropriate for use as attractive storage space... primarily because they just aren't that attractive!

However, a quality toy or blanket chest made of wood can be customized and engraved for a very personal touch, but there are other ways to turn this space saving storage secret weapon into the focal point of any home decor.

Function Three: As The Focal Point; Wooden Chests Can Transform Any Room

The well played secret to using a classic toy chest as functional decoration is that, outside of the extra storage space and clutter free surroundings, it can also be used in a number of ways to become the focal point of any room. Of the many options to choose from, one can:

1. Place a lamp, vase, or (unlit) candles on the top of a blanket chest to use as an attractive table.

2. Cover the top of a toy box with stuffed animals or knick knacks, and use additional shelving to add dimension

3. Make, or purchase, a cushion that will fit the dimensions of the toy box exactly, to turn the hidden storage into a window bench or additional seating,

Above all else, the most important way to combine function with decoration is to include your own personal, unique creative touches.

Toy Boxes Provide a Shocking Space Saving Secret
Toy Storage Drawers

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